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XPI Meeting

3rd Monday of the Month, 1:00 PM ET
Zoom (Live - Video, Voice and Text)
Meeting ID: 111 283 488
Password: CPA

Cross Platform (XP) representatives can vote at the meeting. Every group should have an XPI representative. All members are welcome to attend and share as a "member at large".


The number to attend the meeting by phone only:

646-876-9923 or 669-900-6833 (USA)

647-558-0588 (CANADA).


Find your local number by clicking here.


If you are interested in service opportunities with the Cross Platform Intergroup please contact the XPIChairperson at

"Surrender is the essential ingredient. After years of trying to fix our condition, being at war with it, trying to control it, we finally accept we can’t alter the situation. Just doing this is a remarkable accomplishment."​

Chronic Pain Anonymous Service Board. Recipe for Recovery: A Guide to the Twelve Steps of Chronic Pain Anonymous (p. 3). 

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